I am happy to introduce the DECOLONIZATION initiative and share a related “working” bibliography.
In an October 2021 interview, Guyana-born, Cambridge University Professor of Global History, Dr. Richard Drayton stated:
“Well decolonisation, first, is a historical problem… So, decolonisation as a classical problem is looking at that 20th century story of how countries around the world moved towards political independence. Apart from this classical political historical problem of decolonisation, there is the larger subject of how the forms of economies, cultures, and societies – which were organised by the European empires as a system of domination and exploitation – are to be transformed, destroyed, dismantled, and revised to produce a world in which human beings, wherever they are, whatever their cast of body or language or mind, shall have equal capacities to grow and to flourish. This larger programme of decolonisation is a much more difficult task than change of political sovereignty. Decolonisation in this larger sense becomes a question of addressing the ways in which forms of inequality which were constructed by the European empires can be dismantled.” (Richard Drayton, October 2021)
Our goal is to be civil and respectful as we inventorize Guyana’s efforts at decolonization since the emancipation of enslaved African in 1838; examine reasons for success and failure; and consider approaches to decolonization that could be adopted by an emerging oil-rich state with a fragile democracy.
At its core, it is an initiative that seeks to stimulate and sustain an evidence-based conversation about national efforts, particularly since 1966 aimed at dismantling the “forms of inequality which were constructed by European colonialism.”
The study of Guyana’s decolonization efforts is to identify what has worked and why? As it is about what did not work and why?
Answers to these questions must be based on rigorous research! Thus, an evidence-based conversation.
The already known story shows that at independence, both mass parties (Burnham’s People’s National Congress and Jagan’s People’s Progressive Party) shared common views on the nature and scope of the decolonization project. The task was beyond the national anthem, flag, and motto. The contours of the post-independence decolonization efforts were drawn during the dramatic anti-colonial struggle of the 1950s.
This congruence between the PNC and the PPP in 1966 remained in place through to 1992, although it may have drifted during the Hoyte years (1985-1992). This congruence was maintained by subscription to the ideology of Socialism and Marxism-Leninism practices in political organization and the practice of politics.
Guyana at the end of 2021 appears to be a fundamentally different place than it was in 1966. The ethos of the “collective” which animated political conversations in 1966 has receded. Today, the “collective” is unashamedly ethnic and the people seemingly committed to the ideology of individualism and high consumption of dubious quality imported goods.
So, the DECOLONIZATION initiative provides an opportunity to have conversations, sometimes very specialized conversation such as—what kind of decolonization polices should an oil rich former colony have in the 21st century?
At its heart, DECOLONIZATION is a participatory research initiative. As is stated on the associated Facebook page:
“From time to time, the administrators of this page will seek partnerships to organize special events such as webinars, face-to-face conference to share accumulated knowledge and encourage research and praxis.”
Please open and review the BIBLIOGRAPHY. It is a work in progress. It represents what is currently accessible to me via private collection, OHIO’s library collection, and various online archival sources, including those in Guyana, the USA, and U.K.
Please send me an email (cambridg@ohio.edu) with any titles/publications (books, pamphlets, audio recordings, video recordings, songs, films, etc.) that you think should be in a bibliography related to the Guyanese decolonization experience since 1838, particularly since independence in 1966.
Vibert C. Cambridge, A.A., Ph.D.
January 29, 2022.
Working Bibliography
This bibliography is a work in progress. It represents what is currently accessible to me via private collection, OHIO’s library collection, and various online archival sources, including those in Guyana, the USA, and U.K.
Adi, H. Pan-Africanism and Communism. The Communist International, Africa and the Diaspora, 1919-1939. New Jersey: Africa World Press, 2013
Archer, M. The Dark Horse. Letters from the campaign trail. Self-published (Amazon), 2021.
Benn, D. The Caribbean: An Intellectual History, 1774 – 2003. Kingston, Jamaica: Ian Randle Publishers, 2004.
Bernard, D. A New Geography of Guyana. London: Macmillan Caribbean, 1999.
Bhattacharya, R. The Sly Company of People Who Care. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2011.
Browne, C. Backtracking Through Georgetown, Guyana. Pittsburg, PA: Rose Dog Books, 2006.
Burnham, L.F.S. Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham O.E., S.C. National Assembly Speeches, Volume 1 (1957-1958). Guyana: The Caribbean Press, 2012.
——————–. Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham O.E., S.C. National Assembly Speeches, Volume 2 (1959-1961). Guyana: The Caribbean Press, 2012.
——————–. Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham O.E., S.C. National Assembly Speeches, Volume 3 (1961-1962). Guyana: The Caribbean Press, 2012.
——————–. A Destiny to Mould: Selected Discourses by the Prime Minister of Guyana. London: Longman Caribbean, 1970.
—————-. Planning for A New Era. Address by Party Leader Forbes Burnham People’s National Congress 13th Annual Delegates Congress April 1970 Queen’s College. Georgetown: People’s National Congress, 1970.
——————-. The Challenge. 1972.
——————-. Perform Now Comrades: The National Revolution in Guyana. Address by Prime Minister Forbes Burnham, Leader of the People’s National Congress, at the 15th Annual Delegates’ Congress, 9th April, 1972. Georgetown, 1972.
——————-. Address by the Hon L.F.S. Burnham, Prime Minister of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the occasion of the opening of the CONFERENCE OF FOREIGN MINISTERS OF NON-ALIGNED COUNTRIES, Turkeyen Hall, University of Guyana 8th August, 1972. Georgetown: Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
——————. Declaration of Sophia. Address by the Leader of the People’s National Congress, Prime Minister Forbes Burnham at a Special Congress to Mark the 10th Anniversary of the PNC in Government [14th December 1974]. Georgetown: People’s National Congress, n.d. 1975.
——————. In the Cause of Humanity. Prime Minister of Guyana’s Address at Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 1975, on the New International Economic Order. Georgetown, 1975.
——————. Symbol of Freedom. Address by Party Leader of the People’s National Congress, Prime Minister Comrade Forbes Burnham, O.E., S.C. at the Unveiling of the 1763 Monument on May 23, 1976. Georgetown: Office of the Prime Minister, 1976.
—————–. The Pursuit of Perfection. Address to the Nation by Comrade L.F.S. Burnham, Leader of the People’s National Congress, Prime Minister of Guyana on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Independence, National Park, May 25, 1976. Georgetown, n.d.
—————–. Rally for Victory. Address by Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., leader of the People’s National Congress and Prime Minister of Guyana, on the occasion of the Twelfth Anniversary of the People’s National Congress in Government, at the Rally at the Sanata Textile Mill Site, Ruimveldt Industrial Estate, on Tuesday, December 14, 1976. Georgetown, n.d. ca, 1977.
—————-. Forbes Burnham Speaks of Human Rights. An Address to Parliament by Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., Prime Minister of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, 14th February 1980. Georgetown: Office of the Prime Minister, 1980.
—————-. To Build a New World. Speech by Comrade L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., Prime Minister of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, at the Sith Conference of Non-Aligned Countries, in Havana, Cuba, on Tuesday 4th September 1979. Georgetown: Publications Division, Ministry of Information, Reprinted July 1980.
—————–. Dawn of a New Era. Address by President Burnham on the occasion of the 11th Anniversary of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on February 23, 1981 at the National Park. Georgetown: Office of the President, May 1981.
—————–. The Struggle for Human Dignity. Address at the International Forum on the Liberation of Southern Africa. Georgetown: Office of the President, April 1981.
—————–. Charting Our Destiny. Address by His Excellency Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana at the Ceremonial Opening of the Second Session of the Fourth Parliament of Guyana Friday 22nd January 1982. Georgetown: The Office of the President, January 1982.
——————. Address by Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the First Session of the Supreme Congress of the People at the National Cultural Center, Georgetown on Friday, December 10, 1982. Georgetown: n.d.
——————. Address to the First Session of the Supreme Congress of the People at the National Cultural Center, Georgetown on Friday, December 10, 1982. Georgetown: Office of the President, n.d. ca, 1983.
——————. A Policy for Survival. Addresses by L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana. Georgetown: Political Division, Office of the President, 1983.
——————-. No Turning Back. Address to the Nation by His Excellency Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the Occasion of the Thirteenth Anniversary of the Republic. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1983.
——————. To Struggle for a Peaceful World. Address by Comrade L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana at the State Banquet in Honor of Comrade Vidoje Zarkovic, Member of the Presidency of the Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, State House, April 17, 1983. Georgetown: Office of the President, April 1983.
——————-. Let us use our Resources. Address to the Nation by His Excellency Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on the occasion of the 14th Anniversary of the Republic, February 23, 1984. Georgetown: 1984.
——————-. In Defence of National sovereignty and Peace. Addresses by L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the Closing Session of the GCSP Congress and Solidarity Meeting of Peace Forces of Latin America and the Caribbean held at Sophia Auditorium, Monday, April 16, 1984. Georgetown: n.d.
——————-. Will to Survive. Address by the Leader of the People’s National Congress His Excellency Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana at the Fifth Biennial Congress of the People’s National Congress at Sophia, Georgetown 14 – 21 August 1983. Georgetown. 2nd edition. Georgetown: Political Division, Office of the President, 1983.
——————-. Justice for the Guyanese Working Class. Address by His Excellency Cde. L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and President General of the Guyana Labour Union to the Guyana Labour Union’s 16th Biennial Delegates’ Conference, Sophia Convention Center, November 9, 1984. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1984.
——————-. The Development of Our Nation. Address to the Second Session of the Supreme Congress of the People at the National Cultural Center, Georgetown on Friday, December 16, 1983. Georgetown: Office of the President, n.d. ca, 1984.
——————–. Brighter Horizons. President’s Address to the Third Session of the First Supreme Congress of the People. Georgetown: Office of the President, December 1984.
———————. Our Youth. Our Women. Our Strength. Address to the Nation by His Excellency Comrade L.F.S. Burnham, O.E., S.C., President of the Co-Operative Republic of Guyana on the Occasion of the Fifteenth Anniversary of the Republic. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1985.
Burnham, V. “Freedom! Ours to Cherish Ours to Defend.” Feature address delivered on the occasion of the Fifth Biennial Convention of the Women’s Revolutionary Socialist Movement, Sophia Convention Center, Georgetown, Guyana, August 1984. Georgetown: WRSN, 1984.
Cambridge, V. “Sweet Drink: A preliminary exploration of the history of nonalcoholic carbonated beverages in Guyana, 1870-2020.” A sixteen-part series published in Sunday Stabroek (June -October 2021). All installment available online.
—————–. “The Art of the Lime,” Ubique Utiles. Georgetown, Guyana: Queen’s College 175th Anniversary Planning Committee, 2019, pp. 38 -45
—————–. Valerie Muriel Rodway, CCH, LRSM, 1919 – 1970. Georgetown, Guyana: Ministry of the Presidency, 2019.
—————–. Musical Life in Guyana: History and Politics of Controlling Creativity. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2015.
—————–. “Guyanese music in the Twentieth Century.” Ku’wai. Issue 1: December 2014, pp 58 -61.
———————. “The Queen’s College Assembly Hall/Auditorium: 1951 – 1976.” Laude, Georgetown, Guyana: Queen’s College 170th Anniversary Planning Committee, 2014, pp. 7 – 16.
———————. “The women who built QC’s musical heritage.” Laude, Georgetown, Guyana: Queen’s College 170th Anniversary Planning Committee, 2014, pp. 26 – 30.
———————. Sustaining Guyanese Culture in the era of Globalization: Music and the Techno-Optimist. The Inaugural Republic Lecture. Georgetown: Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, n.d.
—————–. Immigration, diversity, and broadcasting in the United States, 1990-2001. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2005.
—————–. Mass media entertainment and human resources development: Radio serials in Jamaica from 1962. Athens, OH: Ohio University Unpublished dissertation, 1989.
—————–. Excuse Me! May I Offer Some Interpretations. Toronto: WACACRO Productions, 1975.
Cameron, N. The Evolution of the Negro (Volume 1). Georgetown, Demerara, 1929.
—————-. Editor. Guyanese Poetry: Covering the 100-year period 1831-1931. British Guiana, self-published 1931. Reprint, Nendeln: Kraus-Thompson Organization Ltd., 1970.
—————–. Adventures in the Field of Culture. Georgetown, Guyana: self-published (printed by the Daily Chronicle), 1971.
Campbell, J. Sugar Cane, Hackia Sticks and Bullets: Resistance to the Plantation System in Guyana. N.d.
—————. A History of Policing in Guyana. Georgetown, Guyana Police Force, 1987
Carew, J. Children of the Sun. Georgetown: Guyana Book Foundation, 2009.
Carifesta’ 72. All kinds of Folk. A Guyanese Welcome to Carifesta Guests at the National Cultural Center on Friday, August 25, 1972. National Park on Thursday, August 31, 1972. Georgetown: Georgetown: Carifesta Secretariat, 1972.
Carter, M. Man and Making -Victim and Vehicle being the text of the Edgar Mittelholzer Memorial Lectures. Georgetown: National History and Arts Council, Ministry of Information and Culture, 1971.
————-. Poems of Resistance from Guyana. Georgetown: RELEASE, 1979.
Center for Communication Studies. Virtual Politics. The Internet and Guyana’s 2011 Election: Basic Research by Final Year Degree Students of the Center for Communication Studies, University of Guyana. Turkeyen, Guyana: Center for Communication Studies, University of Guyana, 2011.
Chandisingh, R. “The State, the Economy, and Type of Rule in Guyana: An Assessment of Guyana’s “Socialist Revolution.” Latin American Perspectives 10. No. 4 (Autumn 1983” 59 – 67).
Chase, Ashton. The History of Trade Unions in Guyana 1900-1961. Georgetown, British Guiana: self-published, 1964.
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Chase, Audrey. Striving Towards Unity: A History of the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial, and Industrial Employees (formerly Sugar Estates Clerks’ Association). Georgetown, 1971.
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————-. Budget Speech 1979. Georgetown: 12th March 1979.
————-. Budget Speech 1980. Georgetown: 8thApril, 1980.
————-. A Major National Institution on the Move. Short Address delivered by Comrade Desmond Hoyte Minister of Economic Development and Co-operatives at the Thirteenth Annual General Meeting of the Guyana Manufacturers’ Association. Georgetown: Publications Division, Ministry of Information, December 1980.
———–. Budget Speech 1981. Georgetown: 20th February 1981.
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————–. Will to Survive. Budget Speech 1983. Georgetown, 15th February 1983.
————–. We Can, We Must, We Will. Address by His Excellency, CDE. Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., Leader of the People’s National Congress and President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the Sixth Biennial Congress of the People’s National Congress at Sophia Convention Center, Monday, August 19, 1985. Georgetown, 1985.
—————. My First Sixty Days in Office. Georgetown: Office of the President, October 1985.
—————. Moving Our Nation Forward. Address by His Excellency, CDE. Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana at the Opening of the Flag Raising Ceremony, In Honour of the Sixteenth Anniversary of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana at Square of the revolution Saturday February 22, 1986. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1986. .
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—————. Welcome Address Seventh Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community by His Excellency Cde. Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana on 1st July, 1986. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1986.
—————. The Economy – The Diplomatic Effort. Address by President Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., at the Opening of the Heads of Mission Conference, Friday July 11, 1986 – Sophia Auditorium. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1986.
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—————. Economic Independence Creativity and Self-Reliance. Address by His Excellency, CDE. Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana in Honour of the Seventeenth Anniversary of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana at the Square of the Revolution Sunday, February 22, 1987.Georgetown: February 22, 1987.
————–. 2nd Edition. Welcome Address by His Excellency, CDE. Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the Special Ministerial Meeting of the Co-ordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries on Latin American and the Caribbean at the National Cultural Center Georgetown, Tuesday, March 10, 1987. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1987.
—————. Good Neighbours. President’s Address to the Fourth Sitting of the First Session (1986/1987) of the Second Supreme Congress of the People, Friday April 3, 1987 at the National Cultural Center. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1987.
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————–. Caricom – Alive and Vigorous. Address by His Excellency, CDE. Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the Sixth Sitting of the First Session of the Second Supreme Congress of the People at the National Cultural Center July 9, 1987. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1987.
—————-. Economic Strength Thru’ Diplomacy. Address by His Excellency, CDE. Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., President of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana to the Opening of the Heads of Mission Conference, Friday, July 17, 1987 – Sophia Auditorium. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1987.
—————–. Reaching our Boldly for Progress. Address by Hugh Desmond Hoyte, S.C., Leader of the People’s National Congress to the Seventh Biennial Congress of the People’s National Congress at Sophia Convention Center Tuesday, August 11, 1987. Georgetown, 1987.
—————-. Address to the Twelfth Sitting of the First Session of the Second Supreme Congress of the People on Monday, 30th May 1988. Georgetown: Office of the President, May 1988.
—————-. Address to the Sixteenth Sitting of the First Session of the Second Supreme Congress of the People on 11th October 1988. Georgetown: Office of the President, October 1988.
—————–. New Year Message to the Nation 1989. Georgetown: Office of the President, 1989.
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—————. Forbidden Freedom: The Story of British Guiana. 3rd Edition. London: Hansib, 1994.
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—————. Cheddi Jagan: National Assembly Speeches Volume 4 (1966-1968). Guyana: The Caribbean Press, 2011.
—————–. Cheddi Jagan: National Assembly Speeches Volume 5 (1969-1972). Guyana: The Caribbean Press, 2011.
—————-. Cheddi Jagan: National Assembly Speeches Volume 6 (1976-1980). Guyana: The Caribbean Press, 2011.
—————. Cheddi Jagan: National Assembly Speeches Volume 7 (1981-1987). Guyana: The Caribbean Press, 2011.
Jagan, J. Janet Jagan: National Assembly Speeches Volume 1. The Legislative Council 1957-1961 & Senate 1963-1964. Guyana: The Caribbean Press, 2013.
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